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Landing Pages for Lawyers: How to Create a Highly Converting Law Firm’s Landing Page

Are you thinking of launching landing pages to support your law firm’s PPC or Adwords campaign? Looking for advice or examples of the best landing pages for lawyers?

Fact – The easiest way to increase the performance and effectiveness of a PPC campaign is by sending ad clicks to a targeted landing page. By doing so, you increase the relevance of your advertising campaign and reduce the cost per click at the same time. 

In this post, you’ll discover what to include on a law firm’s landing page to ensure high conversions and help reduce your cost per click. 

What is a Law Firm Landing Page?

I admit it – At first sight, landing pages seem similar to a typical law firm website. 

Much like a website, landing pages include information about the company, reference its specific practice areas, and offer visitors a way to contact the firm – its phone number, email, or even a contact form. 

However, the goal for a landing page is, typically, different. 

First of all, landing pages focus on a single objective. For example, it could be to entice a visitor to contact the company, call the office, submit a contact form but also download a specific resource like a white paper or an eBook. 

In contrast, a website might also focus on presenting information a person would need to make an informed decision about a business, outline its expertise, areas of practice (i.e., personal injury.) It could also include pages designed to convey the firm’s authority and expertise – blog posts, guides, and other resources. 

However, a landing page aims to do one thing only – Convert visitors coming from a specific marketing channel like a pay-per-click campaign or search engine traffic into leads.

Why Do Landing Pages Work So Well for Law Firms?

For many law firms, landing pages form the staple of their digital marketing strategies, and for a reason. 

First of all, post-click landing pages convert incredibly well. What’s more, their relevancy to the ad help increase the quality score and reduce the cost per click. 

Let me explain quickly how it works. 

Searchers, typically, pursue specific information. When potential clients type phrases related to personal injury lawyers or car accident lawyers, they most likely have a legal issue with which they need help.

The above also means that such a person would expect to access more information after clicking the ad. 

And that’s exactly what happens if the firm sends their ad click to a relevant landing page. Because the person sees highly relevant information, they are far more likely to engage with the firm – complete the contact form or make a telephone call. 

The situation is different if the person lands on the law firm’s homepage. The page might not necessarily include much information about its personal injury practice, after all. As a result, the person must scour the site, looking for the right information on their own. Such a situation, unfortunately, dramatically reduces the chances of them converting into leads. 

Why Are Lawyer Landing Pages Different than Other Industries?

The above characteristics of landing pages apply to most industries. However,  there are also differences between such pages for lawyers and other industries. These changes affect how you design and create such landing pages to maximize their impact. 

The first difference relates to the primary objective of the page. Naturally, all landing pages aim to generate conversions. However, landing pages for lawyers typically aim to convince customers to get in touch. The actual selling happens after the person has made contact. 

This is in opposition to companies selling low-risk items, for example. In this case, the transaction is the goal. 

For that reason, you’ll often see low-risk product landing pages with no navigation and any other means for a person to leave the page and view other assets on the website. The company behind the page wants them to stay on the page and complete the transaction there. 

However, because you sell high-risk, high-value professional services, it’s in your best interest that the person finds and reads any additional information that would help them make the buying decision. 

Laser-focus on the conversion is another difference. For low-risk items, the cost of traffic is typically low. Clicks from ads are cheap, and the company behind such a landing page can afford to attract customers who aren’t ready to buy. 

But given the cost of PPC clicks in the legal industry, you must attract and convert many visitors into leads. 

(image source)

The structure of a legal landing page is different. 

A typical, low-risk product-related landing page would look like this:

  • A sales pitch at the start. 
  • An image or video showing the product, typically in use, although product images also work well.
  • A list of features and benefits. 
  • Social proof showing that other people have used the product successfully already.
  • Additional sales copy.
  • A call to action or a form to complete the primary objective. 

That’s it. The page would include no links or other ways to browse the site further.

A lawyer landing page would include very different information.

First of all, the page would include the site navigation and other internal links to additional relevant information. 

And there is a strong reason for offering a person a way to explore information about your firm further. 

  • Hiring a lawyer is, typically, a serious investment. It’s hard to imagine someone making such a decision on an impulse. 
  • Potential clients will want to learn more about your firm and even conduct further research before reaching out. 
  • What’s more, people rarely revisit ads (and their brand recall is typically low.)

Allowing potential customers to view the entire site will result in a greater chance for them to return to the site to contact you when they’re ready. 

What to Include on a Landing Page for a Law Firm

You know why you need to create landing pages. You also know what role these pages play in your legal marketing campaign. So, let’s take a look at what information to include there. 

#1. Practice Area

We’ve already discussed the primary characteristic of a typical law firm’s landing page – laser-focus on a specific practice area. 

With such a landing page, all the content – wording, testimonials, social proof, and other assets – relates to the practice area. Granted, the page will also include some information about the firm. But even in this instance, much of that will reference the practice area or information related to that aspect of the firm’s services. 

#2. A Strong Declaration of the Firm’s Expertise

This element physically manifests the practice area and the firm’s specialization. A header, subheadline, and a short introduction that opens your landing page should reference the practice area. The purpose of this declaration is manifold:

  • The declaration engages a reader and convinces them that they are in the right place. 
  • It should also entice them to continue reading the page.
  • Finally, the declaration should also make a strong promise about the benefits of hiring your firm.

#3. An Image or Video Relevant to the Practice Area

As customers, we often rely on visual cues more than text. We also process visuals much faster than words

As a result, the imagery on a page can communicate information about your firm much faster than any text around it. 

Of course, readers will read the copy as well. But often, you’ll find their decision about whether to do so at all to be influenced by the visual in the header. 

#4. Social Proof

Hiring a law firm is a high-risk purchase. Clients understand that a wrong choice can mean serious consequences to them, including a high price tag for your services. 

For that reason, they often need some additional convincing even to consider reaching out to your firm. Nothing works better in this instance as the social proof – a list of reasons to hire your firm with corresponding proof. 

Social proof can take many forms:

  • Testimonials and client stories
  • Client video testimonials
  • Various legal associations’ logos confirming that your firm is a professional legal business, and so on. 

#5. Contact Form or Another Way to Inquire with the Firm

The main goal of your landing page is to entice a person to get in touch. Depending on your firm’s sales process, this may mean filling in a contact form to book a free consultation or making a telephone call to your office. 

But for that to happen, you must provide visitors with an easy way to do so.

  • Place the contact form as close to the header. This way, it will become one of the first things the person sees and will remember, regardless of whether they scroll to the very end of the page or not. 
  • Or do the same with your firm’s telephone number or email address to allow the person to act on those on their own accord. 

#6. Standard Website Navigation

Finally, do not remove the website navigation from the landing page. Although doing so is a common practice when selling low-ticket items, removing the navigation can hinder your conversions. 

Many customers will want to learn more about your firm before placing the call or filling in the form. They’ll want to scour your website to discover more about you, the firm’s partners, other areas of practice, your professional standing, and more. 

Removing the navigation will reduce their opportunity to do so and prevent many potential clients from inquiring with you. 

Best Landing Pages for Lawyers

We’ve talked about what makes excellent landing pages for lawyers. But let me also show you all this advice in practice. For that, I’ve compiled a list of the best law firm landing pages. Review those examples for inspiration and to see how those companies have implemented the advice in this post.